Three common tools used for measuring data

One common analysis Tool used is "Funnel Analysis". So what is Funnel Analysis and why should you use it? Funnel Analysis is a method of checking where along the Production line is the most drop off. This shows some areas that could be improved depending on how many parts you split the funnel into. The funnel will look different depending on how you split it. Generally speaking the funnel will have a "Y" shape as it starts at everyone and ends once they have completed the goal we want - such as completing the purchase of a product.

Chartio have a good example of a Funnel Analysis here. (Restori, 2021)

A different analysis tool is "MailChimp". MailChimp is a tool designed to do many different things, from giving you data back in easy to digest graphics to automated responses to emails so you can keep things nice and tidy rather than have a million emails to reply to (some of which could be repeats). The AI in MailChimp can also do A/B testing allowing you to see different versions and how effective they are using real world responses.

The last analysis tool I will be discussing is " Google Analytics". Google Analytics is a collection of tools for data analysis and information diagnosis. Generally this is the tool a lot of businesses use to look at the back end of their website to see how things are going in the real world vs how they think it is going based on the info they have. Google Analytics uses a lot of AI to figure out what data it can tell you and how to present it. The info it gives is then composed into reports that are easier to read and understand.

Restori, M., 2021. What is a Funnel Analysis?. [online] Chartio. Available at: [Accessed 9 July 2021].

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