devlog catchup

planned level designduring the making of NvC i have been writing out a Devlog to keep up with current development.

I have been meaning to post something on here as a perspective into how its going.
Generally I have been working at home - It's been a bit more of a wonky development than if I was at school as my concentration has waved around making it difficult to zone into work.

For the game I have managed to do a few different things such as;

  • making sprites for the player, enemies (temporary), walls and backdrop.
  • I have managed to make up some 3d models of the enemies/ covid19 characters - these look alright in 3ds max but i needed to re-add materials in unity, which was new but I got working  :)
  • (the planned view of the sprites(gif) + the covid spreader are at the top and bottom of this log respectively).

my main attention started on the visuals though I got some good advice to focus on the functionality, which has been going well.... i think?

so far in the functionality I have

  • the player moving around via wasd and up-down-left-right arrow keys,
  • the player fires bullets via onscreen button (though there is no gun yet implemented and the bullets don't despawn! - this tanks the framerate so is bad. the plan is to convert the button into a player keyboard tap)
  • the enemies are visually in the game but don't do anything apart from fall (due to their "rigid body2d" 's).
  • I have some walls with a "Tilemap Collider 2D"- this means I have something for the things to land on or collide into, which is very useful in developing.

I started with on screen buttons I "Frankenstein-ed" (pieced together) from other code/games I have made before.

Side note : don't "Frankenstein" code - it leads to a lot of problems, though in this case I figured them out simplified and got them working better, it can lead to a lot of code trying to attach to things that either aren't there (which can confuse the coders).

my current challenge I will continue from next blog is
1. getting the bullets to despawn on collision with different objects
2. to get the covid ball seeing/walking towards the player (currently this wont have a radius so should just walk always to them).


Covid Spreader

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